Home Readiness
Your home is your safe space. Let Household HQ help you keep it that way. From traditional security products to emergency training, we keep you ready to respond so that you can relax and feel comfortable where you need it most.
Reolink Cameras
Want to supplement what you already have or create your own safety network? Household HQ is an authorized dealer for Reolink Cameras and Systems. Work with our experienced team to get the right fit for you with no monitoring costs!

Our first aid is much more readily available and lightyears beyond sticker bandages and ice packs. Get a real first aid kit so that you can properly treat a wound and make it to help in time. MyMedic products are true first aid kits for properly prepared families.
American Red Cross
As a Licensed Training Provider of the American Red Cross, Household HQ can help you know what to do during an emergency. Medical training can help you save a life when the time comes, whether it's yourself or someone else in your household. Choose from options of in-person, blended, or online learning.